The main link for this challenge could be found here ..
This challenge is set up so you can read some books in your TBR (To Be Read) Stacks
RULES1. Open to anyone, whether you have a blog or not!
2. No need to register or to announce what you are going to read.
3. Start in any category that you wish.
4. 3 books from this reading challenge can be used in other reading challenges.
4. Just post in the comment section.
5. The genre of the books can be ANYTHING (fiction or non-fiction), but it must be decent (because you have to write reviews about the books).
6. Other reading materials (graphic novels, poetry, museum catalogs, art books, zines etc.) are OK.
7. The book must already be in your bookcase or storage area.
8. The Challenge starts 12/27/08 to 12/27/09. (I hate to begin anything on January 1st).
9. You can post starting on 12/27/08.
10. Format of work can be paper, audio, or electronic.
These are the NINE categories to celebrate 2009! See the above tabs for details. (I had to abbreviate some of the categories due to WordPress Code restrictions.)
To post, please click one of the tabs for the specific category and place your review JUST in that category, not on any of the 4 pages on the front of this blog.
- Long
- Free
- Dusty
- Used
- Letter
- Strange
- Distance
- Alive or Not
- Cover
You decide how long is long.
If you normally read 250 pages, then 251 is LONG.
Please enter the page number in the comment box and the link of the actual review, and NOT the first page of your blog!
A Free Book is:
- A gift
- Book Mooch
- Book-Crossing
- Found somewhere book
- ARC (Advanced Reader’s Copy)
- Book “bought” with store credit or through a trade
- Book gotten in the FREE section of craigslist.org or a similar organization
Library books don’t count, because even though they might be in your bookcase, the books belong to the community.
In the comment section, tell us which definition applies.Please make sure that the link that you enter is for the site of the review, not the first page of your blog.
This book has been sitting on the shelves 3 years or more! Isn’t it time to pick it up?
In the comment box, tell us how long ago you got this book. Make sure that the link to your blog is the review page, not the link to the first page.
The book had one or more previous owner(s), and you paid for it.
Please state the condition of the book in the comment section, and add the link to your review, not to the first page of your blog.
Find a Letter, Any Letter
Select any letter in your first name or blog name.
Find the letter anywhere in the title of the book.
Indicate which letter you chose in the comment section and post the link to your review of the book, not to the first page of your blog.
STRANGE - Leave Your Comfort Zone.
Read something that you normally don’t pick up. (For me, it’s poetry, YA, fiction by US authors, or mystery.)
In the comment section, tell us why you don’t make a habit of reading this genre and include a link to your review, not to the first page of your blog.
Read a book in which the author’s birthplace or setting is more than 1000 miles (1609.344 kilometers) from your present location.
Alive Or Not:
Select an author that was nominated or won any literary prize. (Your book does NOT need to be the prize winner.)
But if you can’t find any in your collection, choose a dead author.
Find the book with the prettiest or ugliest cover.
Let us know which you selected and whether the work lives up to the illustration or photograph.
I will give out one prize each quarter, one prize for finishing five books (deadline 8/29/2009), and a nice gift for finishing the challenge (deadline: 12/27/2009).
I will list my books as I finish them or when I choose them whichever comes first :)
My List..
Long - Pleasure Unbound by Larissa Ione DONE (416 pages)
Free - Her Heart His Soul by Kari Thomas DONE
Dusty - Beloved (Toni Morrison) DONE
Used - The Reader by Bernhard Schlink DONE
Letter - D - Club Dead (Charlaine Harris) DONE
Strange - Music - High Fidelity (Nick Hornby) DONE
Distance - Dead To The World By Charlaine Harris DONE
Alive or Not - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald DONE
Cover - Definitely Dead by Charlaine Harris I loved the cover and thought it describes my imagination of the book very closely .. DONE

this is such a cute idea.
i may join in.
i'm buried in work tonight.
inshallah, i'll check it out tomorrow!
That would be great :)
DesertRose - you're the first one to read the five books.
I'll have the drawing in August.
Hopefully, I won't be in another city, fleeing a hurricane!
Really?! that's great :)
thanx WorkingWords for the update :)
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